
The devotion that I read every day was on point for August 19th.

“I am faith-filled and fear-fear because I have something to do and someone to be.”

We do not get divine brownie points for remaining with people who are not moving. In fact, staying where we are may quell any motivation others may have to move forward. “Come ye out from among them” is God’s way of saying go out! Do it! Use what God has given you to make yourself better or make a better life for yourself. “Come ye out from among them” is God’s way of assuring you that you can depend on God’s promises.

Until today, you may have questioned why you seem able to do what no one else you know has been able to do. You may have felt guilty about your success or underestimated your accomplishments. Just for today, remember and realize that you are the living embodiment of God’s promises. What you do teaches other what they, too, can do.

It ends with an affirmation, “Today I am devoted to moving out beyond what is normal and what is expected.”


Cheers to me for taking the biggest leap of my life (to date) because I’m sure that I’ll probably do this again LOL. No, seriously. My eyes are on a voyage to Europe as soon as COVID-19 slows down. When I found out that we’re not returning to set until next Summer, it was a sign for me to gone on across the pond for a few months so stay tuned because that’s happening soon. Allow this Passport stamp to be a reminder that – time waits for no one. Allow it to be a reminder that – YOU ONLY GET ONE LIFE SO YOU BETTER LIVE IT UP.

Doing what makes me happy is the most liberating feeling ever. I wish I would’ve started doing this sooner but that’s here nor there.

Today marks six months since I moved to California. It’s been such a rewarding journey and I’m thankful to be planted here. I hope that all is well. If you’re a N List subscriber, I shared a passage in last week’s email and I’m holding onto it. God bless my reader who sent it to me. I have to share it because I want you to know just how real the Word is. It’s important that you know His word will never ever return to us void. I’m not the perfect Christian. I can’t tell you the last time I even went to church but me and God are close. He’s a friend in a time of need and every other saying that you’ve heard growing up. I love that when I’m weak, God sends an angel to remind me that I’M NEVER ALONE.

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me.

I’m thankful for that verse. It reminded me that I’m not alone. He is with me, behind me and in front of me.

Although, it seems as if writing is not my primary focus at this time, I promise that’s not the case. Working in production is one thing – working from home and doing production is another. It’s extremely demanding and writing is now something that I do to calm down and reclaim my peace. I believe that’s why my next book is the ONE baybee. Get ready.

Los Angeles has been a breath of fresh air. It’s been the reset button that I needed. The push that I prayed for. The beginning of a life that I know I’m worthy of. Every day, I’m still in complete awe and utter shock that I get to live here. It’s a blessing that I do not take for granted. I’ve learned a few things these past six months.







Being here has been a true testament of my faith. For real. For real. A few of my stories will probably never be shared. Beyonce said something in a recent interview with Harper Bazaar, “A lot of who I am is reserved for those who I love and trust.”

If I could get it tattooed, I would. Use that discernment in every situation, conversation and encounter. These days, before I look for the words to say I ask God to guide me. A daily prayer of mine is bridle my tongue Lord. I’ve learned to shut up. It’s not a point to prove. Fasting is personal. Healing is too.

I don’t make announcements anymore because in truth, those who know – already know. God is faithful. When I think about life and where I was this time last year – you can’t know God is real. It’s a blessing to write this in good spirits. When I speak with girls whose mending hearts that they didn’t break my first suggestion is to fast. Consecrate. Sacrifice those things that you love so that you can get free. Mentally. Spiritually. Emotionally and Physically too. It’s like my skin is better because I ain’t stressing no more. My diet is clean. I sleep so good at night and you know why? It’s because I’m F*** nigga free. Join the club ladies! L.A. is the land of opportunity and I was bummed when it seemed as if everything I was trying to do was being blocked or stopped because of COVID. This morning when I was headed to the coffee shop, I heard God said – you thought the pandemic meant pause but no it meant PREPARE. It’s time to PRAISE. I want to encourage you today if you’ll allow me too. Get your hustle up. Don’t get lazy. Don’t get weary. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing to get where you want to be. Keep pushing. Keep promoting. Keep praying. What you want is coming to you. If I don’t know anything else, I know that to be true. I love life. You have to change your attitude towards things. Every day, when I wake up I declare a good day. Nothing can piss me off. I’m not letting it happen. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that I’m human and it’s okay for me to not have a good day. It’s okay for me to feel like no one understands or be irritated with the micro-managing folks at my job. When you come out of depression, you be trying so hard to ensure that you don’t go back. If this is you – trust me, I know. I’ve been there. I’M THERE NOW!

Life is a gift. Life is a journey. Life is love. Love the life you love and if you don’t then CHANGE IT.

Standards are boundaries. I’m currently reading, Set Boundaries, Find Peace and the book is life changing. IT’S THE RESET, I NEEDED. You gotta come correct or don’t come at all. I have no time for half-assed niggas or friends. Family members either. Yall all will be blocked if boundaries are not respected.

I lost my grandmother last month and it was one of the hardest things God has taken me through. For one, I am not an emotional person when it comes to death. I was at the funeral but I wasn’t at the same time. Sadly, I can’t tell you anything that happened because my mind was somewhere else. It really hasn’t hit me yet. I keep thinking that she’s just sleeping or something, I don’t know I can’t explain it. That time in my life will have to be worked through at a later date but I mentioned my Queen to say that when you think you have time – you don’t. If it’s someone you need to talk too – do that, today. For real. Time waits for no one. I feel like that’s the one thing COVID has taught me. Forgiveness is normally for you more than it is the other person.

Forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself. It’s permission to be at peace. Forgiveness is a step in the right direction. It kickstarts healing. I struggled with forgiving myself for allowing the wrong people too much time in my life. If you’re reading this – let it go, move on but most importantly, FORGIVE yourself.

You know better now, so do better. I’ve been laying low for the past few months; purging, pruning, praying, fasting, worshipping, breathing, evolving, living and creating a life that I love and will love forever. A few weeks ago, I was invited to brunch with my friend and her friends and it was the time of my life. We didn’t do anything major but I knew then that God had heard my prayers. It was a gentle reminder that He will never forget me or you for that matter. Continue to put what you want, need and desire in the atmosphere. Don’t give up on your dreams. Remain focused and like I told you in the last stamp – STAY WITH GOD.